Heart of Jesus

Our Belief
"Grant me, O Lord my God, a mind to know you, a heart to seek you, wisdom to find you, conduct pleasing to you, faithful perseverance in waiting for you, and a hope of finally embracing you."
- St. Thomas Aquinas
Each of us was created to know and love Jesus Christ intimately. We were made to worship His Father with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Developing and nurturing a personal relationship with Jesus is an invitation that He sends to us with each and every breath we take, every smile we share, and each tear we shed. Do we accept his invitation? His heart desires yours and He wants your heart to desire more of Him. He wants to transform your life with the goodness of His heart.
We pray that this ministry, the Heart of Jesus, will bring to you a deeper understanding of the healing
love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness our Lord has for you. We have endless trust that the Holy Spirit
will fill you with all you need to seek the desires of His heart.
Come closer, lean in with us, and seek, find and know the Heart of Jesus
Who We Are
The Heart of Jesus ministry was created in to fill the need for parish-wide retreat experiences at St. Helen Roman Catholic Church in Newbury, Ohio. The team consists of Spirit-filled, Catholic men and women devoted to spreading the Gospel through the healing power of Jesus Christ. Today, the ministry not only runs retreats for parishes, but also offers healing prayer sessions for individuals and spiritual growth opportunities in a small group setting.
Ministry Opportunities
Weekend Retreats
The focus of the parish-wide Heart of Jesus Retreat is to draw those attending closer to Jesus’ heart. His heart is compassionate, merciful, filled with love, grace and forgiveness. Jesus is faithful and heals everything – if we invite Him into our lives.
Open to all adults, the goal of the retreat is for people to learn who Jesus Christ truly is and grow into an intimate relationship with Him – a relationship that is endlessly deep. In that growth, they will desire to take His heart back to their families and friends, bringing them His compassion, His peace and His love.

Personal Prayer Ministry
The Heart of Jesus ministry team members are available to pray with those in need of physical, emotional and spiritual healing. We offer hour and a half prayer appointments with two team members trained in
healing and deliverance prayer. With great confidence, we know that Jesus Christ’s compassion and healing touch will manifest in every prayer session.

Small Group Community
The Heart of Jesus small group reflects a community of God’s love. When you are fed spiritually, you can serve others in a greater capacity. You can’t give what you don’t have, and this small group community serves to feed and strengthen each member. The weekly, two-hour meeting consists of worship, teachings, discussion and prayer. The small group setting provides a safe, comfortable environment for men and women to share their faith, to grow deeper in their knowledge of scripture, to experience the movement of the Holy Spirit and to seek the desires of Jesus’ heart for our lives.
The Heart of Jesus small group meets each Tuesday at 7:30pm at St. Helen Church, Parish Meeting Room.
We open our hearts to you and invite you to join us! Who doesn’t need more of Jesus?

"The retreat was a gift from the Holy Spirit. What was special that weekend was how the Holy Spirit was working through those giving solid grounded Catholic teaching (knowledge I thirst for) and witnessing. I was moved because these sections/sessions were spiritually impactful. They affected the mind, the heart, and the soul. Being in a place (Holy Catholic Church) where people are pouring out the lives, sharing, teaching, praying the Rosary, being in the presence of God during Eucharistic adoration, attending confession, prayed over by those filled with charity and love, and bringing it to the close with the Holy Sacrifice - with those who want Jesus - is an event I will take with me into eternity." - Robert
Small Group Community
"The heart of Jesus means the deepest part of Jesus' love. I have grown so much in prayer and I am not afraid to open my heart. Being part of this small group community and team has kept me yearning to be a better disciple. I have the support from HOJ to become the person our Lord wants me to be. My prayer life is the deepest it has ever been. My mind feels closer and my heart is open to receive Christ's love. Thank you HOJ!" - Barb