Isaiah 43:18-19 Remember not the events of the past, the things of long ago consider not; See, I am doing something new! Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? In the wilderness I make a way, in the wasteland, rivers.
See I am doing something new. Do you remember a specific time or place that you knew Jesus was calling you into a relationship with Him? It wasn’t likely a blinding lightning strike, but it was an event that moved your heart ever so much closer to His. We all have conversion stories to tell. It may have been a subtle nudge from the Holy Spirit to attend a retreat or conference. Maybe it was a friend or co-worker that invited you to church or gave you a book by a Christian author. Sometimes difficulties and suffering lead to conversion because we know that the Lord is amid trials. Whatever the event, your eyes turned away from the past and towards Jesus.
Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? Can you see the Lord working and weaving a pattern of experiences and people in your life? The Holy Spirit continues to work and shape us into his image and likeness. Think of it as continual little conversions after the big conversion. The Lord is constantly calling us into a deeper relationship with Him. Our transformation is never complete. If we know God well, we know that He is continually asking us to shed habits, ideas, traits and behaviors that aren’t reflective of His perfect nature. We aren’t perfect people, but if we truly know the Lord, we know He wants to perfect us. Do you perceive God’s continual nudge on your heart for a deeper conversion? He never wants to leave us in the same place.
Here’s the best thing about these continual conversions; they are life giving and life changing. God desires more for us. More love, more mercy, more forgiveness, more of the fruits including patience and kindness. More of the gifts including teaching and healing. Gifts that are meant to be shared with others to convert their hearts. When we are open to God’s conversions in our life, He gives us more of His Holy Spirit. When we desire and seek transformative opportunities, God delivers us and delivers for us heart pounding, mind blowing encounters with Jesus beyond our imagination.
In the wilderness I make a way, in the wasteland, rivers. Whether you’re on a spiritual mountaintop or lost in the spiritual wilderness, don’t be satisfied with your relationship with Jesus. We could never receive all the Lord has to offer. The Holy Spirit’s gifts are boundless and endless. God is a good, giving and gracious Father. Do not decline His generosity. Open your eyes to the continual conversion opportunities that Jesus desires for your heart, mind and soul. Let Him do something new for you.
Looking for a transformative opportunity? Register for the Heart of Jesus III Retreat at St. Mary’s Church, Chardon, to be held on October 26th and 27th, 2019. Jesus will be there. He is waiting for you.